Monday, September 28, 2015

Using SIBUS destination handler tool

Using SIBUS destination handler tool
Download the tool “” from the below link
Unzip it;
Below screen shot the show the content of zip archive
There are many possible ways you can run this tool, check out the readme.html for details
The following pages describes how to use this tool as an app client in an local WebSphere application server environment
Pre-requisites: WebSphere application server installed on local machine and profile created
Copy the “sib.desthandler.appclient.ear” from the unzipped folder to the bin directory of app server profile in local machine
open the command prompt and navigate to bin directory of profile in local machine
launch the tool using the script “launchClient.bat” as shown below
“launchClient.bat sib.desthandler.appclient.ear”
Tool opens as shown below
Click on configure button
You will get another window as shown below
Enter the requested details and click ok
You will be prompted to accept the signer certificate, like the one shown below, accept the certificate
After successful connection, Output panel will display the below message
“Runtime discovery is connected to ae6hf040Node01Cell/ae6hf040Node02/server1”
Configure connection to message engine
Selet the BUS to connect
Enter the username/password
Select Target Transport, Target Selection String, Target type, etc, as shown below
Then click on test connection
After successful connection
Please proceed to configure the actions required by you
Click on Next button as highlighted below
Upon clicking next button, you’ll get the below window
Here the destination type is a drop down box, provides no of option to choose
I’ve selected “Queue: Read message on a queue”
Select the queue name from drop down box
Click on Get Depth button (this is one of the many possibilities of this tool)
Click on OK button to close
Proceed with Next button on the top of the window
In the succedding windows you can set rule to match the message,
I didn’t set any rule, just go with Next button on the top
Following window provide option select the matcher type
In the succeeding window, choose action delete the message
There are many option listed in the drop down box
Proceed with next button
Click on Run
You will be asked to confirm the action
Click yes to all
Output panel, shows the status of deletion process
At any time click stop button, to check the queue depth
Queue Depth has been decreased from 49954 to 49941

The above example just one of the possible actions that can be achieved, tool can be explored to implement new functionalities required from time to time

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Managing tool kit dependency with IBM BPM

Managing tool kit dependency with IBM BPM
Recently I've imported the Process Application developed in IBM BPM 8.0.1 into IBM BPM 8.5.6 process designer
My intention is to create installation package and get it deployed in process server
While executing command 'BPMCreateOfflinePackage' to create package received below error
wsadmin>$AdminTask BPMCreateOfflinePackage {-containerAcronym MAP2 -containerSnapshotAcronym 16SEP01 -containerTrackAcronym Main -serverName "Process Server Test"}

WASX7015E: Exception running command: "$AdminTask BPMCreateOfflinePackage {-containerAcronym MAP2 -containerSnapshotAcronym 16SEP01 -containerTrackAcronym Main -serverName "Process Server Test"}"; exception information:
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Process application snapshot 16SEP01 could not be deployed.  The process application uses a toolkit that depends on a different version of the system toolkit than the one used by the process application.

Then only I noticed the warning triangle symbols against tool kits in process designer

Hovering over the triangle shows options as shown below

Chosen option 'Upgrade Dependency to'
Same like I did upgrade dependency for other two tool kits except 'BPM Dojo Charting Tool kit" hence it didn't show that option
Then I gone back to process center view to locate the tool kit

Opened the tool kit in process designer
There I can see this tool kit depends on another System Data and Coaches tool kit as highlighted below and tool kit was shown as read only

How to make the tool kit editable?
Switch back to process center window
Click on tool kit and click on manage
There is a check box with description "Allow user to update tool kit", check that
Switch back to designer window
Hover over the tool kits and choose option upgrade dependency

Dependency has been resolved

Take a new snapshot
Switch back to process center window and open the process app in designer window
When you hover over the triangle next to tool kit "BPM Dojo Charting'
You can see new option Upgrade Dependency to 16sepv01
Here 16sepv01 is the snapshot we took after upgrading the tool kit dependency
Choose that option upgrade dependency to 16sev1
Now you can see the tool kit area is free from that warning triangle

With all the dependencies resolved take new snap shot of the process app
Switch back to process center and activate this snapshot

I'm going to generate the offline package
$AdminTask BPMCreateOfflinePackage {-containerAcronym MAP2 -containerSnapshotAcronym 162 -containerTrackAcronym Main -serverName "Process Server Test"}
Now it got executed successfully

$AdminTask BPMExtractOfflinePackage {-containerAcronym MAP2 -containerSnapshotAcronym 162 -containerTrackAcronym Main -serverName "Process Server Test" -outputFile /IBM/BPM/v85/}

Friday, September 11, 2015

Offline Deployment at Process Server

Offline deployment
Offline deployment is the way to deploy process applications onto process server when process server environment not connected to process center environment.
Offline deployment process involves series of 'wsadmin' commands
  1. BPMCreateOfflinePackage @ Process Center
Parameters required by "BPMCreateOfflinePackage" determined by the following commands
$AdminTask BPMListProcessApplications
$AdminTask BPMShowProcessApplication {-containerAcronym XXXX}
$AdminTask BPMListServers
  1. BPMExtractOfflinePackage @ Process Center

3. BPMInstallOfflinePackage @ Process Server

BPMCreateOfflinePackage & BPMExtractOfflinePackage
As the command name implies, you'll use this command to create installation packages of a process application snapshot from the process center server
The BPMCreateOfflinePackage command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client and wsadmin scripting client should run in connected mode and beware of the following condition
Note: In a network deployment environment, you must run this command on the node containing the application cluster member on the Process center server. Do not run this command from the deployment manager profile.
  • Login to process center server and make sure the user account is part of tw_admins group
  • Navigate to bin directory of BPM installation
  • Launch 'wsadmin' client and connect to SOAP port of App Target cluster; where the team works application is running

Syntax of create offline package
$AdminTask BPMCreateOfflinePackage {-containerAcronym value1 -containerSnapshotAcronym value2 -containerTrackAcronym value3 -serverName value4}
We'll find out the values of following parameters
  1. containerAcronym -  
  2. containerSnapshotAcronym
  3. containerTrackAcronym
  4. serverName
found by running
($AdminTask BPMListProcessApplications)
Below screen shot shows the list of process applications on Process Center server and their corresponding container Acronym
Note:each process apps will have an Acronym
2. containerSnapshotAcronym
3. containerTrackAcronym
found by running
($AdminTask BPMShowProcessApplication {-containerAcronym XXXX})
Note: each process apps have no of snapshots associated
Here I've chosen the Process Application with acronym as MYS
$AdminTask BPMShowProcessApplication {-containerAcronym MYS}
Command output shows the list of snapshots for the process application chosen
Make sure the snapshot is in Active state
containerTrackAcronym is Main and it's common for all snapshots in a process application
containerSnapshotAcronym vary based on the snapshot name
4. serverName
found by ($AdminTask BPMListServers)
Note: The server need to configured as offline to be listed here
wsadmin>$AdminTask BPMListServers
       Name: Process Server Test
Now, we know values of all 4 parameters required to create Offline Package
Create offline package
Extract offline package
Here you'll mention the package name and the directory where it should get extracted
Make sure the offline package is generated on the out put directory

Transfer the offline deployment package to Process Server environment
BPMInstallOfflinePackage @ Process Server
Navigate to bin directory BPM installation
Launch wsadmin client and connect to SOAP port of Process Server application cluster member
C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port 8882 -host -user psadmin -password psadmin
WASX7209I: Connected to process "PSDE1.SingleCluster.processserverlocalNode03.0" on node processserverlocalNode03.0 using SOAP connector;  The type of process is: Man
WASX7029I: For help, enter: "$Help help"
Execute "BPMInstall OfflinePackage" as shown below
What's happening in SystemOut logs while offline deployment is performed
[9/11/15 15:49:46:022 EDT] 00000199 CommandServic I PALAdminCommands processServerOfflineDeploy Entering
[9/11/15 15:49:51:865 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3547I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The snapshot with ID Snapshot.493b4fae-5cd6-43ff-b1da-9d58f681f578 is being installed. The following toolkits are being installed: [,,,]
[9/11/15 15:49:52:062 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3579I: [BEGIN]  Starting the installation of process application MySample(MYS), snapshot SS11SEP(SS11SEP) as user psadmin.
[9/11/15 15:49:52:110 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3579I: [END]  Starting the installation of process application MySample(MYS), snapshot SS11SEP(SS11SEP) as user psadmin.
[9/11/15 15:49:52:122 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3533I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The snapshot is being imported.
[9/11/15 15:49:52:365 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3580I: [BEGIN]  Installing the library items and assets for the process application and referenced toolkits.
[9/11/15 15:49:52:595 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [BEGIN]  Installing toolkit System Data(TWSYS), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:50:02:104 EDT] 00000140 RepositoryHea W   CWLLG0098W: Unable to connect to Process Center.
[9/11/15 15:50:09:142 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [END]  Installing toolkit System Data(TWSYS), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:50:10:187 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [BEGIN]  Installing toolkit Coaches(SYSC), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:50:22:131 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [END]  Installing toolkit Coaches(SYSC), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:50:23:189 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [BEGIN]  Installing toolkit Content Management(SYSCM), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:50:33:419 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [END]  Installing toolkit Content Management(SYSCM), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:50:34:464 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [BEGIN]  Installing toolkit Dashboards(SYSD), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:02:066 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3581I: [END]  Installing toolkit Dashboards(SYSD), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:03:093 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3582I: [BEGIN]  Installing process application MySample(MYS), snapshot SS11SEP(SS11SEP).
[9/11/15 15:51:03:145 EDT] 00000140 RepositoryHea W   CWLLG0098W: Unable to connect to Process Center.
[9/11/15 15:51:05:757 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3582I: [END]  Installing process application MySample(MYS), snapshot SS11SEP(SS11SEP).
[9/11/15 15:51:05:865 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3580I: [END]  Installing the library items and assets for the process application and referenced toolkits.
[9/11/15 15:51:05:997 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3534I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The snapshot was successfully imported.
[9/11/15 15:51:05:998 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3536I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The installation service for the snapshot is being started.
[9/11/15 15:51:06:002 EDT] 000001a3 JMSClassifica W   XJMS0021E: Unable to map destination and bus to workclass. Aborting the xd classification filter for the current request. Request context information is<bus=BPM.PSDE1.Bus,destination=PortalWebMessagingTopicSpace.PSDE1.SingleCluster>.
[9/11/15 15:51:06:002 EDT] 000001a5 JMSClassifica W   XJMS0021E: Unable to map destination and bus to workclass. Aborting the xd classification filter for the current request. Request context information is<bus=BPM.PSDE1.Bus,destination=TWServerTopicDestination.PSDE1.SingleCluster>.
[9/11/15 15:51:06:008 EDT] 000001a4 JMSClassifica W   XJMS0021E: Unable to map destination and bus to workclass. Aborting the xd classification filter for the current request. Request context information is<bus=BPM.PSDE1.Bus,destination=cacheTopicDestination.PSDE1.SingleCluster>.
[9/11/15 15:51:06:020 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3583I: [BEGIN]  Running installation services.
[9/11/15 15:51:06:806 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3584I: [BEGIN]  Running installation service for toolkit Coaches(SYSC), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:06:883 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3584I: [END]  Running installation service for toolkit Coaches(SYSC), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:06:967 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3584I: [BEGIN]  Running installation service for toolkit Content Management(SYSCM), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:07:000 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3584I: [END]  Running installation service for toolkit Content Management(SYSCM), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:07:043 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3584I: [BEGIN]  Running installation service for toolkit Dashboards(SYSD), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:07:094 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3584I: [END]  Running installation service for toolkit Dashboards(SYSD), snapshot
[9/11/15 15:51:07:140 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3585I: [BEGIN]  Running installation service for process application MySample(MYS), snapshot SS11SEP(SS11SEP).
[9/11/15 15:51:07:160 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3585I: [END]  Running installation service for process application MySample(MYS), snapshot SS11SEP(SS11SEP).
[9/11/15 15:51:07:185 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3583I: [END]  Running installation services.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:221 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3537I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The installation service for the snapshot finished successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:221 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3539I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The data for the snapshot is being migrated.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:244 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3586I: [BEGIN]  Migrating global data.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:253 EDT] 00000199 wle_migration I   Migrating instances & data to snapshot: Snapshot.493b4fae-5cd6-43ff-b1da-9d58f681f578
[9/11/15 15:51:07:254 EDT] 00000199 wle_migration I   Source snapshots to be migrated: []
[9/11/15 15:51:07:254 EDT] 00000199 wle_migration I   Source snapshots to be deleted: []
[9/11/15 15:51:07:351 EDT] 00000199 wle_migration I   Wrapping up data migration...
[9/11/15 15:51:07:351 EDT] 00000199 wle_migration I   Destination Snapshot- Name: SS11SEP ID: Snapshot.493b4fae-5cd6-43ff-b1da-9d58f681f578
[9/11/15 15:51:07:351 EDT] 00000199 wle_migration I   Source Snapshots:
[9/11/15 15:51:07:352 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3586I: [END]  Migrating global data.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:382 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3540I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The data for the snapshot was migrated successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:382 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3541I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The instances of the snapshot are being migrated.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:411 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3587I: [BEGIN]  Migrating process instances.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:431 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3587I: [END]  Migrating process instances.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:440 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3542I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The instances of the snapshot were migrated successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:448 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3588I: [BEGIN]  Sending tracking definitions to the Performance Data Warehouse server.
[9/11/15 15:51:07:455 EDT] 00000199 ProgrammaticT W   CWLLG2100W: A timeout of 14400 was explicitly requested in ProgrammaticTransactionSupport for transaction definition PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,ISOLATION_DEFAULT,timeout_14400.  No new transaction is started.
[9/11/15 15:51:11:441 EDT] 00000199 InstallMessag I   CWLLG3588I: [END]  Sending tracking definitions to the Performance Data Warehouse server.
[9/11/15 15:51:11:503 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3545I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The tracking definitions for the snapshot were updated successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:11:519 EDT] 00000199 UCASchedulerH I   CWLLG3550I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The scheduled UCAs for the snapshot are being activated.
[9/11/15 15:51:11:768 EDT] 00000199 UCASchedulerH I   CWLLG3551I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The scheduled UCAs for the snapshot were activated successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:11:784 EDT] 00000199 UCASchedulerH I   CWLLG3550I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The scheduled UCAs for the snapshot are being activated.
[9/11/15 15:51:11:784 EDT] 00000199 UCASchedulerH I   CWLLG3551I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The scheduled UCAs for the snapshot were activated successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:12:407 EDT] 00000199 InstallmentSt I   CWLLG3548I: Process Application: MySample, Snapshot: SS11SEP : The snapshot was installed successfully.
[9/11/15 15:51:12:499 EDT] 00000199 CommandServic I PALAdminCommands processServerOfflineDeploy Exiting

Login to Process Admin console of process server to verify the process application installed
The installed snapshot is shown under installed Apps tab