Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Accessing files via HTTP Server

Accessing files via HTTP Server
I wanted to find out better way to monitor process server logs (JVM logs) from windows environment; the Document Monitor plugin for Notepad++ utility sounded like good option, though it works the delay between refresh is unacceptable and sometimes updates are not happening until you re-open the same file.
When I'm thinking about possible alternatives, IHS came in my mind; I've seen and set up IHS to expose UNIX directories accessible via web browser. So, I just tried to replicate the same at Windows environment and it worked like a charm

Assumption: IBM HTTP Server is installed and configured for SSL
What all required?
Obviously you need to know the list of log directories/location need to be made accessible via web browser
Here I wanted to expose to Deployment Manager Logs, Node logs which includes logs for process server deployment environment
Dmgr log location
Node log location

Things to do at windows
  1. Create a new folder 'weblogs'
  2. Create new empty file with name '.htaccess' and save it under weblogs folder created in previous step
Note: little bit trick involved in creating file with dot '.' as prefix;
When you're about to save empty file in notepad make sure that you select save as type as 'All Files (*.*) as shown below

  1. Edit the '.htaccess' file and include the following lines
AuthName "Dmgr and Node logs"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile " C:\IBM\HTTPServer\conf\httpusers.htpasswd"
Require valid-user

What we've included above is the authentication information required to access the logs in a secure manner
httpusers.htpasswd – is the file which hold user account and password to access the logs
  1. Create symbolic link to log directories of dmgr and node profile and save it under web logs
mklink is the command used to create Symbolic links in windows
Command syntax

mklink           /D    <link location>     <target location>
mklink    /D  C:\IBM\WebSphere\weblogs\dmgrlogs    C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\DmgrProfile\logs
mklink   /D   C:\IBM\WebSphere\weblogs\nodelogs    C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Node1Profile\logs

  1. Navigate to bin directory of IHS installation and create user repository as shown below
htpasswd    -c   C:/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpusers.htpasswd    psadmin
httpusers.htpasswd is file to hold username and password
psadmin is the user account authorized to access the logs
-c denotes new password file created for the first time
Note: Make sure you don't specify option when adding subsequent users

  1. Edit the httpd.conf file and add the following entries
Make sure the following module is uncommented out at 'httpd.conf' file
'LoadModule alias_module modules/mod_alias.so'
<IfModule alias_module>
       Alias /weblogs "C:\IBM\WebSphere\weblogs"

<Directory "C:\IBM\WebSphere\weblogs">
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
       AllowOverride AuthConfig
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all
/weblogs – is the alias will mention at the URL (https://youservername:securedportno/weblogs)
Restart the HTTP Server

  1. Access the JVM logs via browser
Enter the below URL at web browser
You will be prompted to enter user account and password
Enter user name/password got created at step 5
Upon successful authentication dmgr logs and node logs visisble in the browser
Following dmgr logs further you can see the JVM logs
When you want to add any other directory, just create symbolic link at weblogs directory

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Troubleshooting tracking data transfer issue from Process Server Database to Performance Data Warehouse Database

Process Applications deployed on process server periodically sent (every 30 seconds) tracking data to performance DB
Stated below is the list of SQL Statements that you can make use to troubleshoot issues or to enable custom monitoring

Tracking data is sent from Process Server DB to PDW DB
Things can be verified at Process Server DB

1. Are there any records waiting to get transferred from BPMDB to PDWDB?
Get a row count of LSW_PERF_DATA_TRANSFER table
Row count shows the no of records waiting to get transferred to PDW DB
if < 500 rows, then data is most likely transferring, if not find why  data is not moving
Also remember data transfer interval with respect to count
As per the design -- the data transfer happens every 30 seconds if the number of records to be transferred is less than 500. If the records are greater than 500 -- then the data transfer continuously happens until all the records are transferred

Things can be verified at Performance Data Warehouse Server DB
1. Are there any data transfer errors at PDWDB?
Get a row count of LSW_DATA_TRANSFER_ERRORS table
Row count shows the no of transfers failed due to error
Most common errors can be seen at LSW_DATA_TRANSFER_ERRORS table
(PFS-0065) The tracking group with external ID <BPD_ID> is not defined.
When tracking definitions were sent for process application which has auto tracking disabled, PFS-0065 is written to data transfer error table.
Remember auto tracking enablement with respect to BPM version
BPM versions v7.5, v8.0, v8.5 - auto tracking enabled by default
BPM v8.5.5 onwards auto tracking was disabled by default

2. Whether sending tracking definitions worked or not?
Run the SQL statement at PDWDB to identify whether tracking definitions sent successfully or not
Output will show the time stamp tracking definitions were received at PDWDB

Friday, October 2, 2015

BPM Tasks and Process Instances Clean up – purging data from Process Server DB

BPM Tasks and Process Instances Clean up – purging data from Process Server DB
Removing process instances from the Process Server database
Why is deleting old data necessary?
When an instance completes and all of its associated tasks are closed, future work is not possible with this instance. You cannot re-start it and assign it to someone or edit old work. When a user logs into the portal, various tables are queried to gather data on the active tasks for that user. This operation involves full table scans. Even if only 35% of the data is relevant, it is going to take a while to pull the tasks needed for that user. Thus, if the other 65% is deleted, there is less data to scan.
The cleanup functions provided in the Admin Console remove task data only, not all of the BPD instance data. TheBPMProcessInstancesCleanup command deletes both the instance and task data that is associated with the BPD. Therefore, it is a much more thorough way to clean out BPD instances. You might want your system administrator to set up a scheduled job that invokes theBPMProcessInstancesCleanup command periodically with the correct filter settings for your environment.
You can use the BPMProcessInstancesCleanup command to safely clean up data that is created by runaway processes. The command ensures that even instances with a lot of associated data are deleted in a consistent fashion.
SQL query to identify completed process instances
The following query shows the distribution of all tasks and their status.
Run this SQL query at process server DB
select code.NAME, COUNT(t.STATUS) 
from lsw_task t right join LSW_TASK_STATUS_CODES code on code.STATUS_VALUE = t.STATUS 
group by code.NAME 
order by code.NAME

The following query shows your distribution of tasks by BPD execution status:
select inst.EXECUTION_STATUS, count(*) as total
group by inst.EXECUTION_STATUS
The following query shows you the same data, but just for BPD instances:
select inst.EXECUTION_STATUS, count(*) as total
group by inst.EXECUTION_STATUS;

from LSW_BPD_INSTANCE bpd right join lsw_bpd_status_codes code on code.STATUS_ID = bpd.execution_status
group by code.NAME
order by code.NAME;

BPMProcessInstancesCleanup command

Use this command to delete business process definition (BPD) instance data for a process application snapshot on IBM® Process Server.


Using this command deletes the BPD instance and its associated tasks for the instances that are specified by the command parameters. It also logs data to a standard systemout.log file to track which process applications were selected for deleting instance data.
To run this command, you must be in the tw_admins group. Also, you can run this command only in the connected mode. In a network deployment environment, you must run this command on the node containing the application cluster member that handles Process Server applications. Do not run this command from the deployment manager profile.
Restriction: The following restrictions apply:
  • You cannot use this command to delete BPEL process instances.
  • You can run the command from any cluster member in a network deployment environment. However, you must first establish the wsadmin session to the SOAP port of the cluster member from where you are running the command.


-containerAcronym containerAcronym
A required parameter that identifies the acronym that specifies the process application to perform process instance cleanup against. For example, the BillingDispute process application might have an acronym of BILLDISP.

-containerSnapshotAcronym containerSnapshotAcronym
A required parameter that identifies the snapshot acronym for the process application. The snapshot acronym can be different from the snapshot name. To find the snapshot acronym, run the BPMShowProcessApplication command. Refer to the topic in the related link.
-instanceStatus instanceStatus
A required parameter that identifies the status of process instances to clean up.
  • COMPLETED - Removes all completed process instances
  • FAILED - Removes all failed process instances
  • CANCELED - Removes all terminated process instances
  • ALL - Removes all completed, failed, and canceled process instances
Tip: You cannot delete an instance that is currently running.
-instanceID instanceID
An optional parameter of type String[] that identifies a list of instance IDs that are being removed. If there is more than one instance ID, each instance ID must be delimited by a space for Jython format commands or a semicolon for JACL format commands. You can also use this parameter withendedAfterLocal or endedBeforeLocal. See the examples in this topic.

-endedAfterLocal endedAfterLocal
An optional parameter of type String that identifies the local time on the server. The string must have the following format:yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss (year, month, day, T, hours, minutes, seconds). Only instances that completed, failed, or canceled after the specified time period by this parameter are processed. If you use this parameter with the endedBeforeLocal parameter, only instances that completed, failed, or canceled during the specified time period by this parameter are processed.

-endedBeforeLocal endedBeforeLocal
An optional parameter of type String that identifies the local time on the server. The string must have the following format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss (year, month, day, T, hours, minutes, seconds). Only instances that completed, failed, or canceled after the specified time period are processed. If you use this parameter with the endedAfterLocal parameter, only instances that completed, failed, or canceled during the specified time period by this parameter are processed.
-outputFile outputFile
An optional parameter that provides a qualified file path to write the process instance cleanup log entries. The default is SystemOut.log.
Sample execution
  • Run sql query to determine the no of completed BPD instances
Here 6025 instance is in completed state
Connect to soap port of application cluster member
C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\bin>wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port 8882 -host bpmprocessserver.local.com -user psadmin -password psadmin
WASX7209I: Connected to process "PSDE1.SingleCluster.processserverlocalNode03.0" on node processserverlocalNode03.0 using SOAP connector;  The type of process is: Man
WASX7029I: For help, enter: "$Help help"
Run BPMProcessInstancesCleanup
$AdminTask BPMProcessInstancesCleanup {-containerAcronym HSAV1 -containerSnapshotAcronym  HSAV856 -instanceStatus ALL -endedBeforeLocal 2015-10-02 -outputFile C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\HSAV1-processinstancecleanup_02Oct15.txt}

found by “ $AdminTask BPMListProcessApplications”
Note:each process apps will have an Acronym
found by “$AdminTask BPMShowProcessApplication {-containerAcronym   “value1”}”
value1 – containerAcronym of process application
Note: each process apps have no of snapshots associated
Check the output file
[2015-10-02 16:04:31.197] About to start the BPMProcessInstancesCleanup with parameters:  -containerAcronym Hiring Sample Advanced -containerSnapshotAcronym HSAV856 -instanceStatus ALL  -endedBeforeLocal 2015-10-02 00:00:00.0 -maximumduration 0 -transactionSlice 1 -outputFile C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\HSAV1-processinstancecleanup_02Oct15.txtSuccessfully ran the BPMProcessInstancesCleanup command with parameters:  -containerAcronym Hiring Sample Advanced -containerSnapshotAcronym HSAV856 -instanceStatus ALL  -endedBeforeLocal 2015-10-02 00:00:00.0 -maximumduration 0 -transactionSlice 1 -outputFile C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\HSAV1-processinstancecleanup_02Oct15.txt
Number of qualifying instances before deletion: 30
Number of qualifying instances after deletion: 0

  • Run sql query to determine the no of completed BPD instances
Here the no of completed instances is reduced to 5972 after deleting the BPD process instances

Removing task data from Process Server DB
Determine the no of closed tasks by running sql query at process server database
select code.NAME, COUNT(t.STATUS)
from lsw_task t right join LSW_TASK_STATUS_CODES code on code.STATUS_VALUE = t.STATUS
group by code.NAME
order by code.NAME
Total no of closed tasks is 17507 and no of tasks received is 1462, hence total no of tasks becomes 18969
Use the cleanup utility at Process Admin console to delete tasks
Task Cleanup utility at process admin console should be used to remove the completed task instances as shown below
After running the cleanup, the tasks which are in closed state are removed and only the received tasks exists…
  • Choose the last cleanup option among the list of 4
  • Click the clean up button to remove tasks
Task status before clean up
Task status after clean up

Run the sql query again to check no of tasks
No of completed tasks would become zero as shown below